Imposes deadlines within which a health insurer must process a complete credentialing application: thirty (30) days for primary care physicians and forty-five (45) days for other specialists. The model bill also states that credentialing due to economic factors must be adjusted to take into account the case mix, age, severity of illness, etc., and that during the credentialing process, health insurers must pay the physician for providing services to subscribers.
Credentialing; loading; timelines; exception
Processing applications of providers
Timely Credentialing of Physicians by Carriers – Notice of Receipt Required – Notice of Incomplete Applications Required – Delegated Credentialing Agreements – Discrepancies – Denials of Claims Prohibited – Disclosures – Recredentialing – Enforcement – Rules – Definitions
Definitions; Development and use of uniform health care and hospital credentials forms
Definitions; Permitted Disclosures by Providers; Coverage of Benefit or Service; Payment of Provider, Application; Provider Credentialing; Provider Directories; Preferred Provider Agreement Prohibitions; Insurer Payment to Insured for Service Rendered by Noncontracted Provider; Requirements; Fully Credentialed Provider Reimbursement; Requirements
Provider Credentialing; Provisional Credentialing, Criteria, Reimbursement, Termination; Fully Credentialed Provider Reimbursement; Requirements