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Ama Policy

Hospital Billing on Behalf of Physicians H-385.939

Claims Filing Deadlines
State Law

Code of Alabama 1975-Title 27-Chapter 1. General Provisions

07/27/2023 Alabama Section 27-1-17

Limitation periods for payment of claims; overdue claims; retroactive denials, adjustments, etc.; penalties.

Claims Filing Deadlines, Overpayments / Recoupments, Prompt Payment Deadlines, Retroactive Denial
State Law

Insurance Code-Division 2-Part 2-Chapter 1. The Contract-Article 2. Transfer

07/31/2023 California Section 10133.66

Claims filing-overpayment-health insurers’ payment dislosure obligations

Amendments, Claims Filing Deadlines, Fee Schedules, Overpayments / Recoupments, Payment Edits, Payment Rules
State Law

California Code of Regulations-Title 28-Division 1-Chapter 2-Article 8. Self-Policing Procedures

08/29/2023 California Section 1300.71

Claims Settlement Practices

Amendments, Claims Filing Deadlines, Fee Schedules, Overpayments / Recoupments, Payment Edits, Payment Rules, Prompt Payment Deadlines
State Law

Colorado Rev. Statutes-Title 12-Article 30-Part 1. Miscellaneous Provisions Applicable to Health Care Professions and Occupations

07/30/2023 Colorado Section 12-30-113

Out-of-network health care providers – out-of-network services – billing – payment

Claims Filing Deadlines, OON-Payment Issues
State Law

General Statutes of Connecticut-Title 38a-Chapter 700c. Health Insurance

07/29/2023 Connecticut Section 38a-479b

Material changes to fee schedules. Return of payment by provider. Appeals. Filing of claim by provider under other applicable insurance coverage. Certain clauses, covenants and agreements prohibited. Exception

Amendments, Claims Filing Deadlines, Fee Schedules, Most Favored Nation, Overpayments / Recoupments, Participation in Products, Plans, or Networks, Termination
State Law

Delaware Code-Title 18-Chapter 33. Health Insurance Contracts-Subchapter I. General Provisions

08/01/2023 Delaware Section 3370C

Time of submitting claim for reimbursement 

Claims Filing Deadlines
State Law

Delaware Code-Title 18-Chapter 35-Subchapter III. Provisions Applicable to Group and Blanket Health Insurance

08/01/2023 Delaware Section 3571V

Time of submitting claim for reimbursement

Claims Filing Deadlines
State Law

Title XXXVII. Insurance – Chapter 627. Insurance Rates and Contracts – Part VI. Health Insurance Policies

08/01/2023 Florida Section 627.6131

Payment of claims

Claims Filing Deadlines, Overpayments / Recoupments, Prompt Payment Deadlines, Retroactive Denial