Subsequent grants of access to another third party
1. Any third party, having itself been granted access to a provider’s health care services and contractual discounts pursuant to a provider network contract, that subsequently grants access to another third party, is obligated to comply with the rights and responsibilities imposed on contracting entities under §§ 56-60-104 and 56-60-105.
2. Any third party that enters into a contract with another third party to access a provider’s health care services and contractual discounts pursuant to a provider network contract is obligated to comply with the rights and responsibilities imposed on third parties under this section and § 56-60-105.
3. Any third party that subsequently grants access to another third party will provide to the contracting entity the location of a web site or a telephone number that the contracting entity will make available to providers as provided in § 56-60-105(b)(2) that will identify to providers any individual or entity to whom the third party has granted access to the provider’s health care services and contractual discounts pursuant to the provider network contract. The third party shall update the listing on the web site or available through the telephone number on a routine basis as additional individuals or entities are granted access and shall review the listing no less frequently than quarterly to ensure the completeness and accuracy of the information available.
See https://law.justia.com/codes/tennessee/2021/title-56/chapter-60/section-56-60-106/