Definitions. Access to fee schedules. Fee information to be confidential
See bold text below:
(a) As used in this section and section 38a-479b, as amended by this act:
(1) “Contracting health organization” means a managed care organization, as defined in section 38a-478, or a preferred provider network, as defined in section 38a-479aa.
(2) “Provider” means a physician, surgeon, chiropractor, podiatrist, psychologist, optometrist, dentist, naturopath or advanced practice registered nurse licensed in this state or a group or organization of such individuals, who has entered into or renews a participating provider contract with a contracting health organization to render services to such organization’s enrollees and enrollees’ dependents.
Fee Schedules
(b) Each contracting health organization shall establish and implement a procedure to provide to each provider:
(1) Access via the Internet or other electronic or digital format to the contracting health organization’s fees for (A) the current procedural terminology (CPT) codes applicable to such provider’s specialty or, upon request, current dental terminology (CDT) codes, (B) the Health Care Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) codes applicable to such provider, and (C) such CPT codes, CDT codes and HCPCS codes as may be requested by such provider for other services such provider actually bills or intends to bill the contracting health organization, provided such codes are within the provider’s specialty or subspecialty; and
(2) Access via the Internet or other electronic or digital format to the contracting health organization’s policies and procedures regarding (A) payments to providers, (B) providers’ duties and requirements under the participating provider contract, (C) inquiries and appeals from providers, including contact information for the office or offices responsible for responding to such inquiries or appeals and a description of the rights of a provider, enrollee and enrollee’s dependents with respect to an appeal.
(c) The provisions of subdivision (1) of subsection (b) of this section shall not apply to any provider whose services are reimbursed in a manner that does not utilize current procedural terminology (CPT) or current dental terminology (CDT) codes.
(d) The fee information received by a provider pursuant to subdivision (1) of subsection (b) of this section is proprietary and shall be confidential, and the procedure adopted pursuant to this section may contain penalties for the unauthorized distribution of fee information, which may include termination of the participating provider contract.