Concurrent expedited review of adverse benefit determinations
(1) “Concurrent expedited review” means initiation of both the internal and external expedited review simultaneously to:
(a) Review of a decision made under WAC 284-43-2000; or
(b) Review conducted during a patient’s stay or course of treatment in a facility, the office of a health care professional or other inpatient or outpatient health care setting so that the final adverse benefit determination is reached as expeditiously as possible.
(2) A carrier must offer the right to request concurrent expedited internal and external review of adverse benefit determinations. When a concurrent expedited review is requested, a carrier may not extend the timelines by making the determinations consecutively. The requisite timelines must be applied concurrently.
(3) A carrier may deny a request for concurrent expedited review only if the conditions for expedited review in WAC 284-43-3170 are not met. A carrier may not require exhaustion of internal review if an appellant requests concurrent expedited review.
SeeĀ https://apps.leg.wa.gov/wac/default.aspx?cite=284-43-3190