Preauthorization for Health Maintenance Organizations and Preferred Provider Benefit
See bold text below:
(a) The words and terms defined in Insurance Code Chapter 1301 and Chapter 843 have the same meaning
when used in this section, except as otherwise provided by this subchapter, unless the context clearly
indicates otherwise.
(b) An HMO or preferred provider benefit plan that requires preauthorization as a condition of payment to a
preferred provider must comply with the procedures of this section for determinations of medical necessity,
appropriateness, or the experimental or investigational nature of care for those services the HMO or
preferred provider benefit plan identifies under subsection (c) of this section.
(c) An HMO or preferred provider benefit plan that uses a preauthorization process for medical care or
health care services must provide to each contracted preferred provider, not later than the fifth working day
after the date a request is made, a list of medical care and health care services that allows a preferred
provider to determine which services require preauthorization and information concerning the
preauthorization process.
(d) An HMO or preferred provider benefit plan must issue and transmit a determination indicating whether
the proposed medical or health care services are preauthorized. This determination must be issued and
transmitted once a preauthorization request for proposed services that require preauthorization is received
from a preferred provider. The HMO or preferred provider benefit plan must respond to a request for
preauthorization within the following time periods:
State Medical Necessity Decisions-Deadlines
(1) For services not included under paragraphs (2) and (3) of this subsection, a determination must be issued and transmitted not later than the third calendar day after the date the request is received by the HMO or preferred provider benefit plan. If the request is received outside of the period requiring the availability of appropriate personnel as required in subsections (e) and (f) of this section, the determination must be issued and transmitted within three calendar days from the beginning of the next time period requiring appropriate personnel.
(2) If the proposed medical or health care services are for concurrent hospitalization care, the HMO or preferred provider benefit plan must issue and transmit a determination indicating whether proposed services are preauthorized within 24 hours of receipt of the request, followed within three working days after the transmittal of the determination by a letter notifying the enrollee or the individual acting on behalf of the enrollee and the provider of record of an adverse determination. If the request for medical or health care services for concurrent hospitalization care is received outside of the period requiring the availability of
appropriate personnel as required in subsections (e) and (f) of this section, the determination must be issued and transmitted within 24 hours from the beginning of the next time period requiring appropriate personnel.
(3) If the proposed medical care or health care services involve post-stabilization treatment, or a life-threatening condition as defined in §19.1703 of this title (relating to Definitions), the HMO or preferred provider benefit plan must issue and transmit a determination indicating whether proposed services are preauthorized within the time appropriate to the circumstances relating to the delivery of the services and the condition of the enrollee, but in no case to exceed one hour from receipt of the request. If the request is received outside of the period requiring the availability of appropriate personnel as required in subsections (e) and (f) of this section, the determination must be issued and transmitted within one hour from the beginning of the next time period requiring appropriate personnel. The determination must be provided to
the provider of record. If the HMO or preferred provider benefit plan issues an adverse determination in
response to a request for post-stabilization treatment or a request for treatment involving a life-threatening
condition, the HMO or preferred provider benefit plan must provide to the enrollee or individual acting on
behalf of the enrollee, and the enrollee’s provider of record, the notification required by §19.1717(a) and (b)
of this title (relating to Independent Review of Adverse Determinations).
(e) A preferred provider may request a preauthorization determination via telephone from the HMO or
preferred provider benefit plan. An HMO or preferred provider benefit plan must have appropriate
personnel as described in §19.1706 of this title (relating to Requirements and Prohibitions Relating to
Personnel) reasonably available at a toll-free telephone number to provide the determination between 6:00
a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Central Time, Monday through Friday on each day that is not a legal holiday and
between 9:00 a.m. and noon, Central Time, on Saturday, Sunday, and legal holidays. An HMO or preferred
provider benefit plan must have a telephone system capable of accepting or recording incoming requests
after 6:00 p.m., Central Time, Monday through Friday and after noon, Central Time, on Saturday, Sunday,
and legal holidays and must acknowledge each of those calls not later than 24 hours after the call is
received. An HMO or preferred provider benefit plan providing a preauthorization determination under subsection (d) of this section must, within three calendar days of receipt of the request, provide a written notification to the preferred provider.
(f) An HMO providing routine vision services or dental health care services as a single health care service
plan is not required to comply with subsection (e) of this section with respect to those services. An HMO
providing routine vision services or dental health care services as a single health care service plan must:
(1) have appropriate personnel as described in §19.1706 of this title reasonably available at a toll-free
telephone number to provide the preauthorization determination between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Central
Time, Monday through Friday on each day that is not a legal holiday;
(2) have a telephone system capable of accepting or recording incoming requests after 5:00 p.m., Central
Time, Monday through Friday and all day on Saturday, Sunday, and legal holidays, and must acknowledge
each of those calls not later than the next working day after the call is received; and
(3) when providing a preauthorization determination under subsection (d) of this section, within three
calendar days of receipt of the request, provide a written notification to the preferred provider.
Retroactive Denial
(g) If an HMO or preferred provider benefit plan has preauthorized medical care or health care services, the HMO or preferred provider benefit plan may not deny or reduce payment to the physician or provider for those services based on medical necessity, appropriateness, or the experimental or investigational nature of care unless the physician or provider has materially misrepresented the proposed medical or health care services or has substantially failed to perform the preauthorized medical or health care services.
(h) If an HMO or preferred provider benefit plan issues an adverse determination in response to a request
made under subsection (d) of this section, a notice consistent with the provisions of §19.1709 of this title
(relating to Notice of Determinations Made in Utilization Review) and §19.1710 of this title (relating to
Requirements Prior to Issuing Adverse Determination) must be provided to the enrollee or an individual
acting on behalf of the enrollee, and the enrollee’s provider of record. An enrollee, an individual acting on
behalf of the enrollee, or the enrollee’s provider of record may appeal any adverse determination under
§19.1711 of this title (relating to Written Procedures for Appeal of Adverse Determination).
(i) This section applies to an agent or other person with whom an HMO or preferred provider benefit plan
contracts to perform utilization review, or to whom the HMO or preferred provider benefit plan delegates
the performance of preauthorization of proposed medical or health care services. Delegation of
preauthorization services does not limit in any way the HMO or preferred provider benefit plan’s
responsibility to comply with all statutory and regulatory requirements.
(j) The provisions in this subsection apply to an HMO or a preferred provider benefit plan that uses a
preauthorization process for medical or health care services.
(1) An HMO or a preferred provider benefit plan must make the requirements and information about the
preauthorization process readily accessible to enrollees, physicians, health care providers, and the general
public by posting the requirements and information on the HMO’s or the preferred provider benefit plan’s
public internet website.
(2) The preauthorization requirements and information described by paragraph (1) of this section must:
(A) be posted:
(i) conspicuously in a location on the public internet website that does not require the user to login or
input personal information to view the information; except as provided by paragraph (3) or (4) of this
(ii) in a format that is easily searchable; and
(iii) in a format that uses design and accessibility standards defined in Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act;
(B) except for the screening criteria under subparagraph (D)(iii) of this paragraph, be written:
(i) using plain language standards, such as the Federal Plain Language Guidelines found on
www.PlainLanguage.gov; and
(ii) in language that aims to reach a 6th to 8th grade reading level, if the information is for enrollees and
the public;
(C) include a detailed description of the preauthorization process and procedure; and
(D) include an accurate and current list of medical or health care services for which the HMO or the
preferred provider benefit plan requires preauthorization that includes the following information specific to
each service:
(i) the effective date of the preauthorization requirement;
(ii) a list or description of any supporting documentation that the HMO or preferred provider benefit plan
requires from the physician or health care provider ordering or requesting the service to approve a request
for that service;
(iii) the applicable screening criteria, which may include Current Procedural Terminology codes and
International Classification of Diseases codes; and
(iv) statistics regarding the HMO’s or the preferred provider benefit plan’s preauthorization approval and
denial rates for the service in the preceding calendar year, including statistics in the following categories:
(I) physician or health care provider type and specialty, if any;
(II) indication offered;
(III) reasons for request denial;
(IV) denials overturned on internal appeal;
(V) denials overturned by an independent review organization; and
(VI) total annual preauthorization requests, approvals, and denials for the service.
(3) This subsection may not be construed to require an HMO or a preferred provider benefit plan to provide
specific information that would violate any applicable copyright law or licensing agreement. To comply
with a posting requirement described by paragraph (2) of this subsection, an HMO or a preferred provider
benefit plan may, instead of making that information publicly available on the HMO’s or the preferred
provider benefit plan’s public internet website, supply a summary of the withheld information sufficient to
allow a licensed physician or other health care provider, as applicable for the specific service, who has
sufficient training and experience related to the service to understand the basis for the HMO’s or the
preferred provider benefit plan’s medical necessity or appropriateness determinations.
(4) If a requirement or information described by paragraph (1) of this subsection is licensed, proprietary, or
copyrighted material that the HMO or the preferred provider benefit plan has received from a third party
with which the HMO or the preferred provider benefit plan has contracted, to comply with a posting
requirement described by paragraph (2) of this subsection, the HMO or the preferred provider benefit plan
may, instead of making that information publicly available on the HMO’s or the preferred provider benefit
plan’s public internet website, provide the material to a physician or health care provider who submits a
preauthorization request using a nonpublic secured internet website link or other protected, nonpublic
electronic means.
(5) The provisions in this paragraph apply when an HMO or a preferred provider benefit plan makes
changes to preauthorization requirements.
(A) Except as provided by subparagraph (B) of this paragraph, not later than the 60th day before the date a new or amended preauthorization requirement takes effect, an HMO or a preferred provider benefit plan must provide notice of the new or amended preauthorization requirement and disclose the new or amended requirement in the HMO’s or the preferred provider benefit plan’s newsletter or network bulletin, if any, and on the HMO’s or the preferred provider benefit plan’s public internet website.
(B) For a change in a preauthorization requirement or process that removes a service from the list of medical and health care services requiring preauthorization or amends a preauthorization requirement in a way that is less burdensome to enrollees or participating physicians or health care providers, an HMO or a preferred provider benefit plan must provide notice of the change in the preauthorization requirement and disclose the change in the HMO’s or the preferred provider benefit plan’s newsletter or network bulletin, if any, and on the HMO’s or the preferred provider benefit plan’s public internet website not later than the fifth
day before the date the change takes effect.
(C) Not later than the fifth day before the date a new or amended preauthorization requirement takes effect, an HMO or a preferred provider benefit plan must update its public internet website to disclose the change to the HMO’s or the preferred provider benefit plan’s preauthorization requirements or process and the date and time the change is effective .
(6) In addition to any other penalty or remedy provided by law, an HMO or a preferred provider benefit
plan that uses a preauthorization process for medical or health care services that violates this section with
respect to a required publication, notice, or response regarding its preauthorization requirements, including
by failing to comply with any applicable deadline for the publication, notice, or response, must provide an
expedited appeal under Insurance Code §4201.357 for any health care service affected by the violation.
This paragraph does not apply to subsections (f), (k), and (l) of this section.
(7) The provisions of this subsection may not be waived, voided, or nullified by contract.
(k) The provisions of this subsection apply to dental care services under an employee benefit plan or health
insurance policy that require prior authorization.
(1) In this subsection, the definitions in Texas Insurance Code §1451.201 for “dental care service,”
“employee benefit plan,” and “health insurance policy” apply.
(2) In this subsection, “prior authorization” means a written and verifiable determination that one or more
specific dental care services are covered under the patient’s employee benefit plan or health insurance policy
and are payable and reimbursable in a specific stated amount, subject to applicable coinsurance and
deductible amounts. The term includes preauthorization and similar authorization. The term does not
include predetermination as that term is defined by Insurance Code §1451.207(c).
(3) For services for which a prior authorization is required, on request of a patient or treating dentist, an
employee benefit plan or health insurance policy provider or issuer must provide to the dentist a written
prior authorization of benefits for a dental care service for the patient. The prior authorization must include
a specific benefit payment or reimbursement amount. Except as provided by paragraph (4) of this
subsection, the plan or policy provider or issuer may not pay or reimburse the dentist in an amount that is
less than the amount stated in the prior authorization.
(4) An employee benefit plan or health insurance policy provider or issuer that preauthorizes a dental care
service under paragraph (3) of this subsection may deny a claim for the dental care service or reduce
payment or reimbursement to the dentist for the service only if:
(A) the denial or reduction is in accordance with the patient’s employee benefit plan or health insurance
policy benefit limitations, including an annual maximum or frequency of treatment limitation, and the
patient met the benefit limitation after the date the prior authorization was issued;
(B) the documentation for the claim fails to reasonably support the claim as preauthorized;
(C) the preauthorized dental service was not medically necessary based on the prevailing standard of care
on the date of the service, or is subject to denial under the conditions for coverage under the patient’s plan or
policy in effect at the time the service was preauthorized, because of a change in the patient’s condition or
because the patient received additional dental care after the date the prior authorization was issued;
(D) a payor other than the employee benefit plan or health insurance policy provider or issuer is
responsible for payment of the claim;
(E) the dentist received full payment for the preauthorized dental care service on which the claim is based;
(F) the claim is fraudulent;
(G) the prior authorization was based wholly or partly on a material error in information provided to the
employee benefit plan or health insurance policy provider or issuer by any person not related to the provider
or the issuer; or
(H) the patient was otherwise ineligible for the dental care service under the patient’s employee benefit
plan or health insurance policy and the plan or policy issuer did not know, and could not reasonably have
known, that the patient was ineligible for the dental care service on the date the prior authorization was
(l) If a health benefit plan issuer subject to Insurance Code Chapter 1222 requires preauthorization as a
condition of payment for a medical or health care service, the heath benefit plan issuer must provide a
preauthorization renewal process that allows a physician or health care provider to request renewal of an
existing preauthorization at least 60 days before the date the preauthorization expires. When practicable, a
URA must review and issue a determination on a renewal request before the existing preauthorization
expires if the URA receives the request before the existing preauthorization expires. The determination must
indicate whether the medical or health care service is preauthorized.
See https://texreg.sos.state.tx.us/public/readtac$ext.ViewTAC?tac_view=5&ti=28&pt=1&ch=19&sch=R&rl=Y