Payment of claims under medical necessity standard; review
See bold text below:
(a) As used in this section, “medical necessity or other similar basis” includes, but is not limited to, “medically necessary,” “medically necessary care” and “medically necessary and appropriate,” as defined in W.S. 26-40-102(a)(iii).
(b) If any insurance policy provides for settlement of a claim for payment of medical services, procedures or supplies provided by a health care provider using a medical necessity or other similar basis the insurer shall:
(i) Define medical necessity or other similar basis as “medical necessity” is defined in this chapter and W.S. 26-40-102(a)(iii);
(ii) Make all determinations whether a medical service, procedure or supply is medically necessary based only upon the factors stated in the definition of medical necessity contained in W.S. 26-40-102(a)(iii);
(iii) Provide internal review and external review procedures for all denied claims as required in this section and disclose all procedures, time lines and requirements for such review procedures in every insurance policy and as otherwise required in this section.
(c) When any claim for the provision of or payment for medical services, procedures or supplies is first denied as not being a medical necessity, or on another similar basis, the insurer shall provide to the claimant, in writing, a complete explanation of the basis for the settlement and shall specify why the services, procedures or supplies requested are not medically necessary. Such explanation shall also include:
(i) A statement in the following, or substantially equivalent, language: “We have denied your request for the provision of or payment for a health care service or course of treatment. You have the right to have our decision reviewed by following the procedures outlined in this notice. You also may have the right to an expedited review under circumstances where a delayed review would adversely affect you.”; and
Medical Necessity Appeals-Deadlines
(ii) A statement describing a procedure for having the claim denial reviewed by the insurer, including all applicable time limits, requirements and a process for having a expedited review initiated as expeditiously as the claimant’s medical condition or circumstances require, and in any event within seventy-two (72) hours, where:
(A) The timeframe for the completion of a normal review would seriously jeopardize the life or health of the claimant or would jeopardize the claimant’s ability to regain maximum function; or
(B) The claimant’s claim concerns a request for an admission, availability of care, continued stay or health care service for which the claimant received emergency services, but has not been discharged from a health care facility.
(d) A claimant shall have not less than thirty (30) days in which to file a request for the review provided in subsection (c) of this section and such review shall be completed by the insurer, and a decision delivered to the claimant, no later than forty-five (45) days after receipt of a request for review.
(e) If a claim for the provision of or payment for medical services, procedures or supplies is denied on the basis that it is not a medical necessity, or on other similar basis, after having been reviewed by the insurer pursuant to subsection (c) or (d) of this section, the insurer shall provide to the claimant, in writing, a complete explanation of the basis for the decision and shall specify why the services, procedures or supplies requested are not medically necessary. Such explanation shall also include:
(i) The signed opinion of at least one (1) credited medical consultant who agrees with the denial and who is not an employee of the insurer if requested by the claimant;
(ii) A statement in the following, or substantially equivalent, language: “We have denied your request for the provision of or payment for a health care service or course of treatment. You may have the right to have our decision reviewed by health care professionals who have no association with us and is not the attending physician or the physician’s partner by following the procedures outlined in this notice. You also may have the right to an expedited review under circumstances where a delayed review would adversely affect you.”; and
(iii) A statement describing the procedure for having the denied claim reviewed by an external review organization pursuant to regulations adopted by the commissioner. The statement shall include a description of all procedures, time limits and requirements, including those related to expedited reviews, which the claimant must follow to obtain an external review and include a request for external review form and release of records form approved by the commissioner.
(f) Within one hundred twenty (120) days of receiving the written explanation required by subsection (e) of this section, a claimant may request an external review of the decision which is the subject of the explanation by filing a written request for such review. The request shall be submitted to the insurer on a form approved by the commissioner, unless such form was not provided to the claimant as required by subsection (e) of this section, in which event any written request for an external review shall be sufficient.
(g) Upon receiving a request for external review, the insurer shall:
(i) Immediately send a copy of the request to the commissioner;
(ii) Assign the request to an independent review organization that has been approved by the commissioner for a preliminary review. The insurer shall provide to the independent review organization all documents and information upon which the insurer relied in denying all claims under review. Failure to provide the documents and other information shall not delay the conduct of the external review. The independent review organization shall determine whether:
(A) The claimant is or was a covered person in the insurance policy at the time the provision of or payment for medical services, procedures or supplies was requested or provided;
(B) The provision of or payment for medical services, procedures or supplies requested by the claimant reasonably appears to be a covered service under the insurance policy, but for the determination by the insurer that the services, procedures or supplies are not a medical necessity;
(C) The insurer has denied the claimant’s request for the provision of or payment for medical services, procedures or supplies after having been given the opportunity to review the insurer’s first denial one (1) or more times;
(D) The claimant has provided to the insurer all the information and forms required to process an external review, including a release form, approved by the commissioner, by which the claimant authorizes the release of protected health information pertinent to the external review.
(h) The independent review organization shall within five (5) days determine whether the documentation is complete and immediately notify the claimant and the insurer in writing whether the documentation is complete and, if not, what information or documentation is missing. The claimant may submit in writing to the independent review organization any additional supporting documentation that the independent review organization should consider or may require when conducting its external review. If the request for review is not complete, the independent review organization shall require from the insurer or the claimant the information or materials needed to make the request complete.
(j) The independent review organization shall, within one (1) business day of its receipt, forward all documentation and information it receives from an insurer or claimant to the opposing insurer or claimant. The insurer may use any documentation or other information provided by the claimant to reconsider its settlement of the claims. If the insurer chooses to reverse its prior decision, it shall immediately provide written notice to the claimant, the independent review organization and the commissioner, at which time the review shall be terminated.
(k) In addition to the documents and information provided pursuant to this section, the independent review organization, to the extent the information is available and the independent review organization considers them appropriate, shall consider the following in reaching its decision:
(i) The claimant’s medical records;
(ii) The attending health care professional’s recommendation;
(iii) Consulting reports from appropriate health care professionals and other documents submitted by the insurer, claimant or the claimant’s treating provider;
(iv) The terms of coverage under the claimant’s insurance policy;
(v) The standards identified in W.S. 26-40-102(a)(iii);
(vi) All evidence based research used in the insurer’s denial of the claim.
(m) Within forty-five (45) days after the date of receipt of the request for external review, the assigned independent review organization shall provide written notice to the claimant, the insurer and the commissioner of its decision to uphold or reverse the decision of the insurer that the provision of or payment for medical services, procedures or supplies requested by the claimant are not medically necessary. Such written notice shall include:
(i) A general description of the reason for the request for external review;
(ii) The date the independent review organization received the assignment from the insurer to conduct the review;
(iii) The date the external review was conducted;
(iv) The date of its decision;
(v) The principal reasons for its decision;
(vi) The rationale for its decision; and
(vii) References to the evidence or documentation considered in reaching its decision.
(n) In the event the external review organization determines the claims should be allowed, the insurer shall approve the request for the provision of or payment for medical services, procedures or supplies that was the subject of the review and notify the claimant of such approval within five (5) days.
(o) The engagement by an insurer of an independent review organization to conduct an external review in accordance with this section shall be fair and impartial. The insurer, insured and the independent review organization shall comply with regulations promulgated by the commissioner to ensure fairness and impartiality in the engagement of approved independent review organizations, in the terms, termination and payment of independent review organizations and in the review process.
(p) The commissioner shall adopt regulations establishing an expedited review by an external review organization as expeditiously as the claimant’s medical condition or circumstances require, but in no event more than seventy-two (72) hours after the date of receipt of the request for an expedited external review, and which allows an expedited external review where:
(i) The timeframe for the completion of a normal external review would seriously jeopardize the life or health of the claimant or would jeopardize the claimant’s ability to regain maximum function; or
(ii) The claimant’s claim concerns a request for an admission, availability of care, continued stay or health care service for which the claimant received emergency services, but has not been discharged from a health care facility.
(q) The insurer against whom a request for external review is filed shall pay the costs of the independent review organization’s external review.
(r) The commissioner shall adopt such regulations as are necessary to promote the purposes of this section, which regulations shall include:
(i) Fees, including the waiver of fees for indigent persons;
(ii) Standards and procedures for the approval of independent review organizations;
(iii) External review organization reporting and record retention requirements.
(s) An insurer required to comply with the notification and appeal procedures of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, and being compliant therewith, shall be deemed in compliance with this section.
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