State Law

Arizona Admin. Code-Title 20-Chapter 6-Article 19. Health Care Services Organizations Oversight

06/15/2020 Arizona Section R20-6-1915

Alternative Access

Network Adequacy

A. As an alternative to providing access to covered services from a physician, an HCSO may provide access to covered services from an appropriately licensed practitioner.

B. As an alternative to providing access to covered services at a hospital under R20-6-1914, an HCSO may provide access to covered services at another appropriately licensed facility.

C. As an alternative to providing access to covered services from a physician or practitioner who sees an enrollee in person under R20-6-1914, an HCSO may provide access to necessary covered services through:

1. Telephone calls and messages,

2. Electronic mail,

3. Communication with the physician’s or practitioner’s staff,

4. Coverage by another physician or practitioner, or

5. Telemedicine,

D. An HCSO that panels enrollees to PCPs may panel enrollees to appropriately licensed practitioners.
