Contracts with providers in the state of New Mexico
See bold section below:
This section shall apply only to health care professionals practicing in and health care facilities located in the state of New Mexico.
A. A health care insurer shall, either directly or indirectly, enter into contracts with participating professionals and health care facilities through which health care services are provided on a recurring basis to its covered persons. The health care insurer shall file an annual certificate with the superintendent certifying that all health care professional contracts and contracts with health care facilities located in the state of New Mexico through which health care services are being provided on a recurring basis meet the criteria of this section.
B. Each contract shall contain a description of the specific health care services for which the health care professional or health care facility will be responsible, including any limitations or conditions on such services.
C. Each contract shall contain the specific hold harmless provision specifying protection of covered persons set forth as follows: “Health care professional/health care facility agrees that in no event, including but not limited to nonpayment by the health insuring corporation, insolvency of the health insuring corporation, or breach of this agreement, shall health care professional/health care facility bill, charge, collect a deposit from, seek remuneration or reimbursement from, or have any recourse against, a subscriber, enrollee, covered person, or person acting on behalf of the covered person, for health care services provided pursuant to this agreement. This does not prohibit health care professional/health care facility from collecting co-insurance, deductibles, or copayments as specifically provided in the evidence of coverage, or fees for uncovered health care services delivered on a fee-for-service basis to persons referenced above, nor from any recourse against the health insuring corporation or its successor.”
D. Each contract shall contain a provision clearly stating the rights and responsibilities of the MHCP, and of the contracted health care professionals and health care facilities, with respect to administrative policies and programs, including, but not limited to, payment systems, utilization review, quality assessment and improvement programs, credentialing, confidentiality requirements, and any applicable federal or state programs.
E. Each contract shall contain a provision regarding the availability and confidentiality of those health records maintained by health care professionals and health care facilities to monitor and evaluate the quality of care, to conduct evaluations and audits, and to determine on a concurrent or retrospective basis the medical necessity and appropriateness of health care services provided to covered persons. The provision shall include terms requiring the health care professional or health care facility to make these health records available to appropriate state and federal authorities involved in assessing the quality of care or in investigating the grievances or complaints of covered persons, and requiring the health care professional or health care facility to comply with applicable state and federal laws related to the confidentiality of medical or health records.
F. Each contract shall provide that contractual rights and responsibilities may not be assigned or delegated by the provider without the prior written consent of the contracting MHCP.
G. Each contract shall contain a provision requiring the health care professional or health care facility to maintain adequate professional liability and malpractice insurance. The provision shall also require the health care professional or health care facility to notify the health care insurer or MHCP not more than ten days after the provider’s receipt of notice of any reduction or cancellation of such coverage.
H. Each contract shall require the health care professional or health care facility to observe, protect, and promote the rights of covered persons as patients.
I. Each contract shall require the health care professional or health care facility to provide health care services without discrimination on the basis of a patient’s participation in the health care plan, age, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, health status, or disability, and without regard to the source of payments made for health care services rendered to a patient. This requirement shall not apply to circumstances when the health care professional or health care facility appropriately does not render services due to limitations arising from the health care professional’s or health care facility’s lack of training, experience, or skill, or due to licensing restrictions. Each contract shall require the health care insurer or MHCP to provide interpreters for limited English proficient (LEP) individuals and interpretative services for patients who qualify under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Such interpretive services will be made available to provider’s office at no cost to the provider.
J. Each contract shall contain a provision detailing the specifics of any obligation on the health care professional or health care facility to provide, or to arrange for the provision of, covered health care services twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week.
K. Each contract shall set forth procedures for the resolution of disputes arising out of the contract.
L. Each contract shall state that the hold harmless provision required by Subsection C of NMAC shall survive the termination of the contract regardless of the reason for the termination, including the insolvency of the health care insurer or MHCP.
M. Each contract shall provide that those terms used in the contract and that are defined by New Mexico statutes and division regulations will be used in the contract in a manner consistent with any definitions contained in said laws or regulations.
N. A health care insurer or MHCP is prohibited from including the following provisions in any of its contracts with health care professionals or health care facilities:
Prohibited Financial Incentives
(1) offer an inducement, financial or otherwise, to provide less than medically necessary services to a covered person;
(2) penalize a health care professional or health care facility that assists a covered person to seek a reconsideration of the health care insurer’s or MHCP’s decision to deny or limit benefits to the covered person;
Anti-gag Clause
(3) prohibit a participating health care professional from discussing treatment options with covered persons irrespective of the health care insurer’s or MHCP’s position on treatment options, or from advocating on behalf of a patient or patients within the utilization review or grievance processes established by the MHCP or a person contracting with the health care insurer or MHCP;
(4) prohibit a participating health care professional from using disparaging language or making disparaging comments when referring to the health care insurer or MHCP; or
Prompt Payment Deadlines
O. Each contract shall provide that a MHCP failing to pay a health care professional or failing to pay a covered person for out of pocket covered expenses within forty-five days after a clean claim has been received by the MHCP shall be liable for the amount due and unpaid with interest on that amount at the rate of one and one half times the rate established by a bulletin entered by the superintendent in January of each calendar year. For the purposes of this section, “clean claim” means a manually or electronically submitted claim that contains all the required data elements necessary for accurate adjudication without the need for additional information from outside of the MHCP’s system and contains no deficiency or impropriety, including lack of substantiating documentation currently required by the MHCP, or particular circumstances requiring special treatment that prevents timely payment from being made by the MHCP.
P. Except for the access requirements contained in NMAC, nothing contained in this rule should be construed to either prohibit or limit a health care insurer from entering into contracts with qualified health care professionals other than allopathic physicians to provide primary care to covered persons, provided that the health care professional is acting within his or her scope of practice as defined under the relevant state licensing law.
Q. A health care insurer shall not, based upon a national policy of the insurer, uniformly reject contract terms that may be requested by New Mexico providers.
R. Retroactive adjustments by a health care insurer or MHCP for overpayment must be made within 18 months absent health care professional miscoding, claim submission error, suspected fraud and abuse; or retroactive adjustments required by other federal or state agencies.