State Law

Texas Admin. Code-Title 28-Part 1-Chapter 11-Subchapter Q. Other Requirements

08/24/2023 Texas Section 11.1600

Information to Prospective and Current Contract Holders and Enrollees


See bold text below:

(a) An HMO must provide an accurate written description of health care plan terms and conditions to allow any prospective contract holder or enrollee or current contract holder or enrollee to make comparisons and informed decisions before selecting among health care plans. The HMO may deliver the written description of health care plan terms and conditions electronically but must provide a paper copy on request.

(b) The written or electronic plan description must be filed for approval in compliance with §11.301 of this title (relating to Filing Requirements); be in a readable and understandable format that meets the requirements of §3.602 of this title (relating to Plain Language Requirements), by category; and include these items in the following order:

(1) a statement that the entity providing the coverage is an HMO;

(2) a toll-free number, unless exempted by statute or rule, and address for obtaining additional information, including physician and provider information;

(3) a clear, complete, and accurate description of all covered services and benefits, including a description of the options, if any, for prescription drug coverage, both generic and brand name, and if applicable, an explanation of how to access formulary information consistent with §21.3031(b) of this title (relating to Formulary Information on Issuer’s Website);

(4) a clear, complete, and accurate description of emergency care services and benefits, including coverage for out-of-area emergency care services and information on access to after-hours care;

(5) a clear, complete, and accurate description of out-of-area services and benefits (if any);

(6) as provided in Insurance Code §1456.003 (concerning Required Disclosure: Health Benefit Plan), statements that:

(A) a facility-based physician or other health care practitioner may not be included in the health benefit plan’s physician and provider network;

(B) the facility-based physician or other health care practitioner may balance bill the enrollee for amounts not paid by the health benefit plan; and

(C) if the enrollee receives a balance bill, the enrollee should contact the HMO;

(7) a clear, complete, and accurate explanation of enrollee financial responsibility for payment of premiums, copayments, deductibles, and any other out-of-pocket expenses for noncovered or out-of-plan services, and an explanation that network physicians and providers have agreed to look only to the HMO and not to its enrollees for payment of covered services, except as set forth in this description of the plan;

(8) a clear, complete, and accurate description of any limitations or exclusions, including the existence of any drug formulary limitations;

(9) information regarding preauthorization requirements as required by Insurance Code §843.3481 (concerning Posting of Preauthorization Requirements) and Chapter 19, Subchapter R, of this title (relating to Utilization Reviews for Health Care Provided Under a Health Benefit Plan or Health Insurance Policy);

(10) a provision for continuity of treatment in the event of the termination of a primary care physician or dentist;

(11) a clear, complete, and accurate summary of the HMO’s complaint and appeal procedures, a statement of the availability of the independent review process, and a statement that the HMO is prohibited from retaliating against a group contract holder or enrollee because the group contract holder or enrollee has filed a complaint against the HMO or appealed a decision of the HMO, and is prohibited from retaliating against a physician or provider because the physician or provider has, on behalf of an enrollee, reasonably filed a complaint against the HMO or appealed a decision of the HMO;


(12) a current list of physicians and providers, including behavioral health providers and substance abuse treatment providers, if applicable, with the information necessary to fully inform prospective or current enrollees about the network, including the information required by §11.1612 of this title (relating to Mandatory Disclosure Requirements), together with a link to the online directory required under §11.1612(a) of this title;

(13) a clear, complete, and accurate description of the service area;

(14) when the HMO product includes point-of-service coverage, including when such coverage is provided by an insurer, or when the product is explicitly marketed with the option of purchasing point-of-service coverage, a clear, complete, and accurate explanation of the point-of-service coverage, including:

(A) an explanation of how any deductible is calculated, clearly explaining if multiple deductibles may be applied under the plan as a whole;

(B) a method to obtain a real-time estimate of the amount of reimbursement that will be paid to a non-network provider for a particular service;

(C) a clear, complete, and accurate explanation of how reimbursements of non-network point-of-service services will be determined subject to §11.2503 of this title (relating to Coverage Relating to Point-of-Service Rider Plans) for point-of-service riders or §21.2902 of this title (relating to Arrangements between Indemnity Carriers and HMOs to Provide Coverage) for dual and blended point-of-service arrangements;

(D) if point-of-service coverage is provided under a dual or blended point-of-service arrangement, a clear, complete, and accurate explanation of how the coverage will be coordinated and who the enrollee should contact for common issues, including;

(i) the identity and contact information for each entity, the HMO, the indemnity carrier, or any third-party administrator (TPA) that will administer the coverages offered under the point-of-service plan;

(ii) a clear, complete, and accurate description of all duties of the HMO and other carrier to each other relating to the point-of-service plan issued under this subchapter; and

(iii) as applicable, a clear, complete, and accurate explanation of out-of-plan coverage for point-of-service coverage offered in conjunction with plans subject to Insurance Code Chapter 1301 (concerning Preferred Provider Benefit Plans);

(E) a clear, complete, and accurate explanation that for an enrollee in a limited provider network, higher cost-sharing may be imposed only when the enrollee obtains benefits or services outside the HMO delivery network.

(c) An HMO may use its member handbook to satisfy the requirements of this section if the information contained in the handbook is substantially similar to and provides the same level of disclosure as the written or electronic description prescribed by the Commissioner and contains all the information required under this section.

(d) An HMO offering a Children’s Health Insurance Program plan that files its plan description in the form of its member handbook in compliance with §11.301 of this title (relating to Filing Requirements), for information only, together with a certification from the HMO that the handbook has been approved by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission and a copy of the document approving the handbook is exempt from the filing and approval requirements of subsection (b) of this section.

(e) If an HMO limits enrollees’ access to health care to a limited provider network, then it must provide a notice in substantially the following form to prospective and current group contract holders: “Choosing Your Physician–Now that you have chosen (Name of HMO), your next choice will be deciding who will provide the majority of your health care services. Your Primary Care Physician or Primary Care Provider (PCP) will be the one you call when you need medical advice, when you are sick, and when you need preventive care such as immunizations. Your PCP is also part of a ‘network’ or association of health professionals who work together to provide a full range of health care services. That means when you choose your PCP, you are also choosing a network and in most instances you are not allowed to receive services from any physician or health care professional, including your obstetrician-gynecologist (OB-GYN), that is not also part of your PCP’s network. You will not be able to select any physician or health care professional outside of your PCP’s network, even though that physician or health care provider is listed with your health plan. The network to which your PCP belongs will provide or arrange for all of your care, so make sure that your PCP’s network includes the specialists and hospitals that you prefer.”

(f) If an HMO does not limit an enrollee’s selection of an obstetrician or gynecologist to the limited provider network to which that enrollee’s primary care physician or provider belongs, then it must provide a notice in compliance with Insurance Code Chapter 1451, Subchapter F, (concerning Access to Obstetrical or Gynecological Care) in substantially the following form to current or prospective enrollees: “ATTENTION FEMALE ENROLLEES: You have the right to select and visit an obstetrician-gynecologist (OB-GYN) without first obtaining a referral from your PCP. (Name of HMO) has opted not to limit your selection of an OB-GYN to your PCP’s network. You are not required to select an OB-GYN. You may elect to receive your OB-GYN services from your PCP.”


(g) An HMO must clearly identify limited provider networks within its service area by providing a separate listing of its limited provider networks and an alphabetical listing of all the physicians and providers, including specialists, available in each limited provider network. An HMO must include an index of the alphabetical listing of all contracted physicians and providers, including behavioral health providers and substance abuse treatment providers, if applicable, within the HMO’s service area, and must indicate the limited provider network(s) to which the physician or provider belongs and the page number where the physician or provider’s name can be found.

(h) An HMO must provide notice to enrollees informing them to contact the HMO on receipt of a bill for covered services from any physician or provider, including a facility-based physician or other health care practitioner. The notice must inform enrollees of the method(s) for contacting the HMO for this purpose.

(i) If an HMO or limited provider network provides for an enrollee’s care by a physician other than the enrollee’s primary care physician while the enrollee is in an inpatient facility (for example, a hospital or skilled nursing facility), the plan description must disclose that on admission to the inpatient facility, a physician other than the primary care physician may direct and oversee the enrollee’s care.

(j) An HMO that maintains a website must list the information on its website as required by subsections (b) – (g) of this section and Insurance Code §843.2015 (concerning Information Available Through Internet Site) and §1456.003 (concerning Required Disclosure: Health Benefit Plan). The information must be easily accessible from the home page of the HMO’s website.
