Non-emergency care; limitation on charges
A. Other than applicable cost sharing that would apply if a participating provider had rendered the same services, a health insurance carrier shall provide reimbursement for and a covered person shall not be liable for charges and fees for covered non-emergency care rendered by a nonparticipating provider that are delivered when:
(1) the covered person at an in-network facility does not have the ability or opportunity to choose a participating provider who is available to provide the covered services; or
(2) medically necessary care is unavailable within a health benefits plan’s network; provided that “medical necessity” shall be determined by a covered person’s provider in conjunction with the covered person’s health benefits plan and health insurance carrier.
B. Except as set forth in Subsection A of this section, nothing in this section shall preclude a nonparticipating provider from balance billing for non- emergency care provided by a nonparticipating provider to an individual who has knowingly chosen to receive services from that nonparticipating provider.
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