Action on claim; deadline
(1) A clean claim shall be paid, denied, or settled within thirty calendar days after receipt by the insurer if submitted electronically and within forty-five calendar days after receipt if submitted in a form other than electronically.
(2) If the resolution of a claim requires additional information, the insurer shall, within thirty calendar days after receipt of the claim, give the health care provider, policyholder, insured, or patient, as appropriate, a full explanation in writing of what additional information is needed to resolve the claim, including any additional medical or other information related to the claim. The applicable time period set forth in subsection (1) of this section shall be tolled as of the date the additional information is requested until the date all such additional information necessary to resolve the claim is received. The person receiving a request for such additional information shall submit all additional information requested by the insurer within thirty calendar days after receipt of such request. After such person has provided all such additional information necessary to resolve the claim, the claim shall be paid, denied, or settled by the insurer within the remaining applicable time period set forth in subsection (1) of this section. Failure to furnish additional information within the time period required shall not invalidate or reduce the claim if it was not reasonably possible to give such information within such time period. The insurer may deny a claim if a health care provider receives a request for additional information and fails to submit additional information requested under this subsection.
(3) For purposes of subsection (1) of this section, a clean claim shall not include a claim:
(a) For which the insurer needs additional information in order to resolve one or more issues concerning coverage, eligibility, coordination of benefits, investigation of preexisting conditions, subrogation, determination of medical necessity, or the use of unlisted procedural codes; or
(b) For which the insurer has a reasonable belief supported by specific information that the claim has been submitted fraudulently.
(4) If a claim is submitted to a repricer, the time periods for payment, denial, or settlement of such claims set forth in this section shall commence upon receipt of the claim by the repricer.
SeeĀ https://nebraskalegislature.gov/laws/statutes.php?statute=44-8004