State Law

Iowa Admin. Code-Insurance Division-Chapter 15. Unfair Trade Practices

08/04/2023 Iowa Section 191-15.32(507B)

Prompt payment of certain health claims

Prompt Payment Deadlines

See bold text below:

Effective July 1, 2002, the following provisions apply:

15.32(1) Definitions and scope.

a. For purposes of this rule, the following definitions apply:

“Circumstance requiring special treatment” means:

1. A claim that an insurer has a reasonable basis to suspect may be fraudulent or that fraud or a material misrepresentation may have occurred under the benefit certificate or policy or in obtaining such certificate or policy; or

2. A matter beyond the insurer’s control, such as an act of God, insurrection, strike or other similar labor dispute, fire or power outage or, for a group-sponsored health plan, the failure of the sponsoring group to pay premiums to the insurer in a timely manner; or

3. Similar unique or special circumstances which would reasonably prevent an insurer from paying an otherwise clean claim within 30 days.

“Clean claim” means clean claim as defined in 2001 Iowa Acts, chapter 69, section 8(2b).

“Coordination of benefits for third-party liability” means a claim for benefits by a covered individual who has coverage under more than one health benefit plan.

“Insurer” means insurer as defined in 2001 Iowa Acts, chapter 69, section 7.

“Properly completed billing instrument” means:

1. In the case of a health care provider that is not a health care professional:

· The Health Care Finance Administration (HCFA) Form 1450, also known as Form UB-92, or similar form adopted by its successor Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services (CMS) as adopted by the National Uniform Billing Committee (NUBC) with data element usage prescribed in the UB-92 National Uniform Billing Data Elements Specification Manual, or

· The electronic format for institutional claims adopted as a standard by the Secretary of Health and Human Services pursuant to Section 1173 of the Social Security Act; or

2. In the case of a health care provider that is a health care professional:

· The HCFA Form 1500 paper form or its successor as adopted by the National Uniform Claim Committee (NUCC) and further defined by the NUCC in its implementation guide; or

· The electronic format for professional claims adopted as a standard by the Secretary of Health and Human Services pursuant to Section 1173 of the Social Security Act; and

3. Any other information reasonably necessary for an insurer to process a claim for benefits under the benefit certificate or policy with the insured contract.

b. Scope. This subrule applies to claims submitted to an insurer as defined above on or after July 1, 2002, and is limited to policies issued, issued for delivery, or renewed in this state.

15.32(2) Insurer duty to promptly pay claims and pay interest.

a. Insurers subject to this subrule shall either accept and pay or deny a clean claim for health care benefits under a benefit certificate or policy issued by the insurer within 30 days after the insurer’s receipt of such claim. A clean claim is considered to be paid on the date upon which a check, draft, or other valid negotiable instrument is written. Insurers shall implement procedures to ensure that these payments are promptly delivered.

b. Insurers or entities that administer or process claims on behalf of an insurer who fail to pay a clean claim within 30 days after the insurer’s receipt of a properly completed billing instrument shall pay interest. Interest shall accrue at the rate of 10 percent per annum commencing on the thirty-first day after the insurer’s receipt of all information necessary to establish a clean claim. Interest will be paid to the claimant or provider based upon who is entitled to the benefit payment.

c. Insurers shall have 30 days from the receipt of a claim to request additional information to establish a clean claim. An insurer shall provide a written or electronic notice to the claimant or health care provider if additional information is needed to establish a clean claim. The notice shall include a full explanation of the information necessary to establish a clean claim.

d. Effective January 1, 2003, when a claim involves coordination of benefits, an insurer is required to comply with the requirements of this subrule when that insurer’s liability has been determined.

15.32(3) Certain insurance products exempt. Claims paid under the following insurance products are exempt from the provisions of this subrule: liability insurance, workers’ compensation or similar insurance, automobile or homeowners insurance, medical payment insurance or disability income insurance.
