Federal Laws

Find out what rights you and your patients have under current federal statutes and regulations, such as the Employee Retirement Income Security Act and the Medicare Advantage program.

Federal Law

Title 45-Subtitle A-Subchapter B-Part 156-Subpart C. Qualified Health Plan Minimum Certification Standards

11/18/2024 45 CFR Section 156.230

Network adequacy standards

Continuity of Care Post-Contract-Fed. Exchange Reg., Directories-Fed. Exchange Reg., Network Adequacy-Fed. Exchange Reg.
State Law

General Statutes of Connecticut-Title 42-Chapter 743gg. Contracts Between Health Care Providers and Contracting Entities

07/29/2023 Connecticut Sections 42-490, 42-491, 42-492, 42-493, and 42-494

Definitions; Contracting entity and covered entity requirements. Remittance advices. Member identification cards; Exemptions;Workers’ compensation exempted; Penalty. Regulations.

Continuity of Care Post-Contract-Fed. Exchange Reg., Rental Networks