State Laws

Search state statutes and regulations in all 50 states and the District of Columbia to find out what rights you have in your state and what other states are doing to empower physicians and patients in the face of health insurer market power.

State Law

Code of Massachusetts Regs-Title 958-Part 3. Health Insurance Consumer Protection

07/26/2023 Massachusetts Sections 958 CMR 3.500 through 3.504, 3.508 and 3.509

Disenrollment of Primary Care Provider; Disenrollment of Providers of Care to Pregnant Women; Disenrollment of Providers of Care to the Terminally Ill; Coverage for the Newly Insured; Carrier’s Coverage Conditions; Denial of Provider Application; Provider Termination Without Cause Provisions

Continuity of Care Post-Contract, Termination, Termination-Due Process
State Law

The Insurance Company Law of 1921 (P.L.682, No.284)

08/22/2023 Pennsylvania Section 2117

Continuity of care

Continuity of Care Post-Contract
Federal Law

Title 42-The Public Health And Welfare-Chapter 6A-Subchapter XXV-Part D. Additional Coverage Requirements

08/30/2023 42 USC Section 300gg-113

Continuity of care

Continuity of Care Post-Contract
Federal Law

Title 42-The Public Health And Welfare-Chapter 6A-Subchapter XXV-Part E. Health Care Provider Requirements

11/20/2024 42 USC Section 300gg-113

Continuity of care

Continuity of Care Post-Contract
Federal Law

Title 42-The Public Health And Welfare-Chapter 6A-Subchapter XXV-Part E. Health Care Provider Requirements

11/25/2024 42 USC Sections 300gg–131, 300gg–132, 300gg–133, 300gg–134, 300gg–135, 300gg–136, 300gg–137, 300gg–138 and 300gg–139

Balance billing in cases of emergency services; Balance billing in cases of non-emergency services performed by nonparticipating providers at certain participating facilities; Provider requirements with respect to disclosure on patient protections against balance billing; Enforcement; Air ambulance services; Provision of information upon request and for scheduled appointments; Patient-provider dispute resolution; Continuity of care; Provider requirements to protect patients and improve the accuracy of provider directory information

Continuity of Care Post-Contract, Directories, OON-Payment Issues
Federal Law

Title 29-Labor-Chapter 18-Subchapter I-Part 7-Subpart B. Other requirements

11/25/2024 29 USC Section 1185g

Continuity of care

Continuity of Care Post-Contract
Federal Law

Title 26-Internal Revenue Code-Subtitle K-Chapter 100-Suchapter B. Other requirements

11/25/2024 26 USC Section 9818

Continuity of care

Continuity of Care Post-Contract
State Law

North Carolina Gen. Statutes-Chapter 58-Article 50. General Accident and Health Insurance Regulations

08/10/2023 North Carolina Sections 58-50-56.1 and 58-50-56.2

Exclusive provider organizations, exclusive provider benefit plans; Exclusive provider organization continuity of care

Continuity of Care Post-Contract
State Law

Rhode Island Gen Laws-Title 27-Chapter 27-18.8. Health Care Accessibility and Quality Assurance Act

08/22/2023 Rhode Island Section 27-18.8-3

Certification of network plans

Anti-retaliation, Continuity of Care Post-Contract, Credentialing-Patient Demographics, Directories, Most Favored Nation, Termination
Ama Policy

Code of Medical Ethics: 1.1.3 Patient Rights

Continuity of Care Post-Contract