Federal Law

Title 42-The Public Health And Welfare-Chapter 6A-Subchapter XXV-Part E. Health Care Provider Requirements

11/25/2024 42 USC Sections 300gg–131, 300gg–132, 300gg–133, 300gg–134, 300gg–135, 300gg–136, 300gg–137, 300gg–138 and 300gg–139

Balance billing in cases of emergency services; Balance billing in cases of non-emergency services performed by nonparticipating providers at certain participating facilities; Provider requirements with respect to disclosure on patient protections against balance billing; Enforcement; Air ambulance services; Provision of information upon request and for scheduled appointments; Patient-provider dispute resolution; Continuity of care; Provider requirements to protect patients and improve the accuracy of provider directory information

Continuity of Care Post-Contract, Directories, OON-Payment Issues

This entire entry concerns out-of-network payment issues.  See the language in bold below to find the text falling under other categories.

Section 300gg–131. Balance billing in cases of emergency services

(a) In general

In the case of a participant, beneficiary, or enrollee with benefits under a group health plan or group or individual health insurance coverage offered by a health insurance issuer and who is furnished during a plan year beginning on or after January 1, 2022, emergency services (for which benefits are provided under the plan or coverage) with respect to an emergency medical condition with respect to a visit at an emergency department of a hospital or an independent freestanding emergency department-

(1) in the case that the hospital or independent freestanding emergency department is a nonparticipating emergency facility, the emergency department of a hospital or independent freestanding emergency department shall not bill, and shall not hold liable, the participant, beneficiary, or enrollee for a payment amount for such emergency services so furnished that is more than the cost-sharing requirement for such services (as determined in accordance with clauses (ii) and (iii) of section 300gg–111(a)(1)(C) of this title, of section 9816(a)(1)(C) of title 26, and of section 1185e(a)(1)(C) of title 29, as applicable); and

(2) in the case that such services are furnished by a nonparticipating provider, the health care provider shall not bill, and shall not hold liable, such participant, beneficiary, or enrollee for a payment amount for an emergency service furnished to such individual by such provider with respect to such emergency medical condition and visit for which the individual receives emergency services at the hospital or emergency department that is more than the cost-sharing requirement for such services furnished by the provider (as determined in accordance with clauses (ii) and (iii) of section 300gg–111(a)(1)(C) of this title, of section 9816(a)(1)(C) of title 26, and of section 1185e(a)(1)(C) of title 29, as applicable).

(b) Definition

In this section, the term “visit” shall have such meaning as applied to such term for purposes of section 300gg–111(b) of this title.

(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XXVII, §2799B–1, as added Pub. L. 116–260, div. BB, title I, §104(a), Dec. 27, 2020, 134 Stat. 2824.)

Section 300gg–132. Balance billing in cases of non-emergency services performed by nonparticipating providers at certain participating facilities

(a) In general

Subject to subsection (b), in the case of a participant, beneficiary, or enrollee with benefits under a group health plan or group or individual health insurance coverage offered by a health insurance issuer and who is furnished during a plan year beginning on or after January 1, 2022, items or services (other than emergency services to which section 300gg–131 of this title applies) for which benefits are provided under the plan or coverage at a participating health care facility by a nonparticipating provider, such provider shall not bill, and shall not hold liable, such participant, beneficiary, or enrollee for a payment amount for such an item or service furnished by such provider with respect to a visit at such facility that is more than the cost-sharing requirement for such item or service (as determined in accordance with subparagraphs (A) and (B) of section 300gg–111(b)(1) of this title 1 of section 9816(b)(1) of title 26, and of section 1185e(b)(1) of title 29, as applicable).

(b) Exception

(1) In general

Subsection (a) shall not apply with respect to items or services (other than ancillary services described in paragraph (2)) furnished by a nonparticipating provider to a participant, beneficiary, or enrollee of a group health plan or group or individual health insurance coverage offered by a health insurance issuer, if the provider satisfies the notice and consent criteria of subsection (d).

(2) Ancillary services described

For purposes of paragraph (1), ancillary services described in this paragraph are, with respect to a participating health care facility-

(A) subject to paragraph (3), items and services related to emergency medicine, anesthesiology, pathology, radiology, and neonatology, whether or not provided by a physician or non-physician practitioner, and items and services provided by assistant surgeons, hospitalists, and intensivists;

(B) subject to paragraph (3), diagnostic services (including radiology and laboratory services);

(C) items and services provided by such other specialty practitioners, as the Secretary specifies through rulemaking; and

(D) items and services provided by a nonparticipating provider if there is no participating provider who can furnish such item or service at such facility.

(3) Exception

The Secretary may, through rulemaking, establish a list (and update such list periodically) of advanced diagnostic laboratory tests, which shall not be included as an ancillary service described in paragraph (2) and with respect to which subsection (a) would apply.

(c) Clarification

In the case of a nonparticipating provider that satisfies the notice and consent criteria of subsection (d) with respect to an item or service (referred to in this subsection as a “covered item or service”), such notice and consent criteria may not be construed as applying with respect to any item or service that is furnished as a result of unforeseen, urgent medical needs that arise at the time such covered item or service is furnished. For purposes of the previous sentence, a covered item or service shall not include an ancillary service described in subsection (b)(2).

(d) Notice and consent to be treated by a nonparticipating provider or nonparticipating facility

(1) In general

A nonparticipating provider or nonparticipating facility satisfies the notice and consent criteria of this subsection, with respect to items or services furnished by the provider or facility to a participant, beneficiary, or enrollee of a group health plan or group or individual health insurance coverage offered by a health insurance issuer, if the provider (or, if applicable, the participating health care facility on behalf of such provider) or nonparticipating facility-

(A) in the case that the participant, beneficiary, or enrollee makes an appointment to be furnished such items or services at least 72 hours prior to the date on which the individual is to be furnished such items or services, provides to the participant, beneficiary, or enrollee (or to an authorized representative of the participant, beneficiary, or enrollee) not later than 72 hours prior to the date on which the individual is furnished such items or services (or, in the case that the participant, beneficiary, or enrollee makes such an appointment within 72 hours of when such items or services are to be furnished, provides to the participant, beneficiary, or enrollee (or to an authorized representative of the participant, beneficiary, or enrollee) on such date the appointment is made), a written notice in paper or electronic form, as selected by the participant, beneficiary, or enrollee, (and including electronic notification, as practicable) specified by the Secretary, not later than July 1, 2021, through guidance (which shall be updated as determined necessary by the Secretary) that-

(i) contains the information required under paragraph (2);

(ii) clearly states that consent to receive such items and services from such nonparticipating provider or nonparticipating facility is optional and that the participant, beneficiary, or enrollee may instead seek care from a participating provider or at a participating facility, with respect to such plan or coverage, as applicable, in which case the cost-sharing responsibility of the participant, beneficiary, or enrollee would not exceed such responsibility that would apply with respect to such an item or service that is furnished by a participating provider or participating facility, as applicable with respect to such plan; and

(iii) is available in the 15 most common languages in the geographic region of the applicable facility;

(B) obtains from the participant, beneficiary, or enrollee (or from such an authorized representative) the consent described in paragraph (3) to be treated by a nonparticipating provider or nonparticipating facility; and

(C) provides a signed copy of such consent to the participant, beneficiary, or enrollee through mail or email (as selected by the participant, beneficiary, or enrollee).

(2) Information required under written notice

For purposes of paragraph (1)(A)(i), the information described in this paragraph, with respect to a nonparticipating provider or nonparticipating facility and a participant, beneficiary, or enrollee of a group health plan or group or individual health insurance coverage offered by a health insurance issuer, is each of the following:

(A) Notification, as applicable, that the health care provider is a nonparticipating provider with respect to the health plan or the health care facility is a nonparticipating facility with respect to the health plan.

(B) Notification of the good faith estimated amount that such provider or facility may charge the participant, beneficiary, or enrollee for such items and services involved, including a notification that the provision of such estimate or consent to be treated under paragraph (3) does not constitute a contract with respect to the charges estimated for such items and services.

(C) In the case of a participating facility and a nonparticipating provider, a list of any participating providers at the facility who are able to furnish such items and services involved and notification that the participant, beneficiary, or enrollee may be referred, at their option, to such a participating provider.

(D) Information about whether prior authorization or other care management limitations may be required in advance of receiving such items or services at the facility

(3) Consent described to be treated by a nonparticipating provider or nonparticipating facility

For purposes of paragraph (1)(B), the consent described in this paragraph, with respect to a participant, beneficiary, or enrollee of a group health plan or group or individual health insurance coverage offered by a health insurance issuer who is to be furnished items or services by a nonparticipating provider or nonparticipating facility, is a document specified by the Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of Labor, through guidance that shall be signed by the participant, beneficiary, or enrollee before such items or services are furnished and that-

(A) acknowledges (in clear and understandable language) that the participant, beneficiary, or enrollee has been-

(i) provided with the written notice under paragraph (1)(A);

(ii) informed that the payment of such charge by the participant, beneficiary, or enrollee may not accrue toward meeting any limitation that the plan or coverage places on cost-sharing, including an explanation that such payment may not apply to an in-network deductible applied under the plan or coverage; and

(iii) provided the opportunity to receive the written notice under paragraph (1)(A) in the form selected by the participant, beneficiary or enrollee; and

(B) documents the date on which the participant, beneficiary, or enrollee received the written notice under paragraph (1)(A) and the date on which the individual signed such consent to be furnished such items or services by such provider or facility.

(4) Rule of construction

The consent described in paragraph (3), with respect to a participant, beneficiary, or enrollee of a group health plan or group or individual health insurance coverage offered by a health insurance issuer, shall constitute only consent to the receipt of the information provided pursuant to this subsection and shall not constitute a contractual agreement of the participant, beneficiary, or enrollee to any estimated charge or amount included in such information.

(e) Retention of certain documents

A nonparticipating facility (with respect to such facility or any nonparticipating provider at such facility) or a participating facility (with respect to nonparticipating providers at such facility) that obtains from a participant, beneficiary, or enrollee of a group health plan or group or individual health insurance coverage offered by a health insurance issuer (or an authorized representative of such participant, beneficiary, or enrollee) a written notice in accordance with subsection (d)(1)(B), with respect to furnishing an item or service to such participant, beneficiary, or enrollee, shall retain such notice for at least a 7-year period after the date on which such item or service is so furnished.

(f) Definitions

In this section:

(1) The terms “nonparticipating provider” and “participating provider” have the meanings given such terms, respectively, in subsection (a)(3) of section 300gg–111 of this title.

(2) The term “participating health care facility” has the meaning given such term in subsection (b)(2) of section 300gg–111 of this title.

(3) The term “nonparticipating facility” means-

(A) with respect to emergency services (as defined in section 300gg–111(a)(3)(C)(i) of this title) and a group health plan or group or individual health insurance coverage offered by a health insurance issuer, an emergency department of a hospital, or an independent freestanding emergency department, that does not have a contractual relationship with the plan or issuer, respectively, with respect to the furnishing of such services under the plan or coverage, respectively; and

(B) with respect to services described in section 300gg–111(a)(3)(C)(ii) of this title and a group health plan or group or individual health insurance coverage offered by a health insurance issuer, a hospital or an independent freestanding emergency department, that does not have a contractual relationship with the plan or issuer, respectively, with respect to the furnishing of such services under the plan or coverage, respectively.

(4) The term “participating facility” means-

(A) with respect to emergency services (as defined in clause (i) of section 300gg–111(a)(3)(C) of this title) that are not described in clause (ii) of such section and a group health plan or group or individual health insurance coverage offered by a health insurance issuer, an emergency department of a hospital, or an independent freestanding emergency department, that has a direct or indirect contractual relationship with the plan or issuer, respectively, with respect to the furnishing of such services under the plan or coverage, respectively; and

(B) with respect to services that pursuant to clause (ii) of section 300gg–111(a)(3)(C) of this title, of section 9816(a)(3) of title 26, and of section 1185e(a)(3) of title 29, as applicable are included as emergency services (as defined in clause (i) of such section and a group health plan or group or individual health insurance coverage offered by a health insurance issuer, a hospital or an independent freestanding emergency department, that has a contractual relationship with the plan or coverage, respectively, with respect to the furnishing of such services under the plan or coverage, respectively.

(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XXVII, §2799B–2, as added Pub. L. 116–260, div. BB, title I, §104(a), Dec. 27, 2020, 134 Stat. 2824.)

Section 300gg-133. Provider requirements with respect to disclosure on patient protections against balance billing

Beginning not later than January 1, 2022, each health care provider and health care facility shall make publicly available, and (if applicable) post on a public website of such provider or facility and provide to individuals who are participants, beneficiaries, or enrollees of a group health plan or group or individual health insurance coverage offered by a health insurance issuer a one-page notice (either postal or electronic mail, as specified by the participant, beneficiary, or enrollee) in clear and understandable language containing information on-

(1) the requirements and prohibitions of such provider or facility under sections 300gg–131 and 300gg–132 of this title (relating to prohibitions on balance billing in certain circumstances);

(2) any other applicable State law requirements on such provider or facility regarding the amounts such provider or facility may, with respect to an item or service, charge a participant, beneficiary, or enrollee of a group health plan or group or individual health insurance coverage offered by a health insurance issuer with respect to which such provider or facility does not have a contractual relationship for furnishing such item or service under the plan or coverage, respectively, after receiving payment from the plan or coverage, respectively, for such item or service and any applicable cost-sharing payment from such participant, beneficiary, or enrollee; and

(3) information on contacting appropriate State and Federal agencies in the case that an individual believes that such provider or facility has violated any requirement described in paragraph (1) or (2) with respect to such individual.

(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XXVII, §2799B–3, as added Pub. L. 116–260, div. BB, title I, §104(a), Dec. 27, 2020, 134 Stat. 2829.)

Section 300gg-134.  Enforcement

(a) State enforcement

(1) State authority

Each State may require a provider or health care facility (including a provider of air ambulance services) subject to the requirements of this part to satisfy such requirements applicable to the provider or facility.

(2) Failure to implement requirements

In the case of a determination by the Secretary that a State has failed to substantially enforce the requirements to which paragraph (1) applies with respect to applicable providers and facilities in the State, the Secretary shall enforce such requirements under subsection (b) insofar as they relate to violations of such requirements occurring in such State.

(3) Notification of applicable Secretary

A State may notify the Secretary of Labor, Secretary of Health and Human Services, or the Secretary of the Treasury, as applicable, of instances of violations of sections 300gg–131, 300gg–132, or 300gg–135 of this title with respect to participants, beneficiaries, or enrollees under a group health plan or group or individual health insurance coverage, as applicable 1 offered by a health insurance issuer and any enforcement actions taken against providers or facilities as a result of such violations, including the disposition of any such enforcement actions.

(b) Secretarial enforcement authority

(1) In general

If a provider or facility is found by the Secretary to be in violation of a requirement to which subsection (a)(1) applies, the Secretary may apply a civil monetary penalty with respect to such provider or facility (including, as applicable, a provider of air ambulance services) in an amount not to exceed $10,000 per violation. The provisions of subsections (c) (with the exception of the first sentence of paragraph (1) of such subsection), (d), (e), (g), (h), (k), and (l) of section 1320a-7a of this title shall apply to a civil monetary penalty or assessment under this subsection in the same manner as such provisions apply to a penalty, assessment, or proceeding under subsection (a) of such section.

(2) Limitation

The provisions of paragraph (1) shall apply to enforcement of a provision (or provisions) specified in subsection (a)(1) only as provided under subsection (a)(2).

(3) Complaint process

The Secretary shall, through rulemaking, establish a process to receive consumer complaints of violations of such provisions and provide a response to such complaints within 60 days of receipt of such complaints.

(4) Exception

The Secretary shall waive the penalties described under paragraph (1) with respect to a facility or provider (including a provider of air ambulance services) who does not knowingly violate, and should not have reasonably known it violated, section 300gg–131 or 300gg–132 of this title (or, in the case of a provider of air ambulance services, section 300gg–135 of this title) with respect to a participant, beneficiary, or enrollee, if such facility or provider, within 30 days of the violation, withdraws the bill that was in violation of such provision and reimburses the health plan or enrollee, as applicable, in an amount equal to the difference between the amount billed and the amount allowed to be billed under the provision, plus interest, at an interest rate determined by the Secretary.

(5) Hardship exemption

The Secretary may establish a hardship exemption to the penalties under this subsection.

(c) Continued applicability of State law

The sections specified in subsection (a)(1) 2 shall not be construed to supersede any provision of State law which establishes, implements, or continues in effect any requirement or prohibition except to the extent that such requirement or prohibition prevents the application of a requirement or prohibition of such a section.

(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XXVII, §2799B–4, as added Pub. L. 116–260, div. BB, title I, §104(a), Dec. 27, 2020, 134 Stat. 2829.)

Section 300gg-135. Air ambulance services

In the case of a participant, beneficiary, or enrollee with benefits under a group health plan or group or individual health insurance coverage offered by a health insurance issuer and who is furnished in a plan year beginning on or after January 1, 2022, air ambulance services (for which benefits are available under such plan or coverage) from a nonparticipating provider (as defined in section 300gg–111(a)(3)(G) of this title) with respect to such plan or coverage, such provider shall not bill, and shall not hold liable, such participant, beneficiary, or enrollee for a payment amount for such service furnished by such provider that is more than the cost-sharing amount for such service (as determined in accordance with paragraphs (1) and (2) of section 300gg–112(a) of this title, section 1185f(a) of title 29, or section 9817(a) of title 26, as applicable).

(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XXVII, §2799B–5, as added Pub. L. 116–260, div. BB, title I, §105(b), Dec. 27, 2020, 134 Stat. 2851.)

Section 300gg-136. Provision of information upon request and for scheduled appointments

Each health care provider and health care facility shall, beginning January 1, 2022, in the case of an individual who schedules an item or service to be furnished to such individual by such provider or facility at least 3 business days before the date such item or service is to be so furnished, not later than 1 business day after the date of such scheduling (or, in the case of such an item or service scheduled at least 10 business days before the date such item or service is to be so furnished (or if requested by the individual), not later than 3 business days after the date of such scheduling or such request)-

(1) inquire if such individual is enrolled in a group health plan, group or individual health insurance coverage offered by a health insurance issuer, or a Federal health care program (and if is so enrolled in such plan or coverage, seeking to have a claim for such item or service submitted to such plan or coverage); and

(2) provide a notification (in clear and understandable language) of the good faith estimate of the expected charges for furnishing such item or service (including any item or service that is reasonably expected to be provided in conjunction with such scheduled item or service and such an item or service reasonably expected to be so provided by another health care provider or health care facility), with the expected billing and diagnostic codes for any such item or service, to-

(A) in the case the individual is enrolled in such a plan or such coverage (and is seeking to have a claim for such item or service submitted to such plan or coverage), such plan or issuer of such coverage; and

(B) in the case the individual is not described in subparagraph (A) and not enrolled in a Federal health care program, the individual.

(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XXVII, §2799B–6, as added Pub. L. 116–260, div. BB, title I, §112, Dec. 27, 2020, 134 Stat. 2866.)

Section 300gg-137. Patient-provider dispute resolution

(a) In general

Not later than January 1, 2022, the Secretary shall establish a process (in this subsection referred to as the “patient-provider dispute resolution process”) under which an uninsured individual, with respect to an item or service, who received, pursuant to section 300gg–136 of this title, from a health care provider or health care facility a good-faith estimate of the expected charges for furnishing such item or service to such individual and who after being furnished such item or service by such provider or facility is billed by such provider or facility for such item or service for charges that are substantially in excess of such estimate, may seek a determination from a selected dispute resolution entity for the charges to be paid by such individual (in lieu of such amount so billed) to such provider or facility for such item or service. For purposes of this subsection, the term “uninsured individual” means, with respect to an item or service, an individual who does not have benefits for such item or service under a group health plan, group or individual health insurance coverage offered by a health insurance issuer, Federal health care program (as defined in section 1320a–7b(f) of this title), or a health benefits plan under chapter 89 of title 5 (or an individual who has benefits for such item or service under a group health plan or individual or group health insurance coverage offered by a health insurance issuer, but who does not seek to have a claim for such item or service submitted to such plan or coverage).

(b) Selection of entities

Under the patient-provider dispute resolution process, the Secretary shall, with respect to a determination sought by an individual under subsection (a), with respect to charges to be paid by such individual to a health care provider or health care facility described in such paragraph for an item or service furnished to such individual by such provider or facility, provide for-

(1) a method to select to make such determination an entity certified under subsection (d) that-

(A) is not a party to such determination or an employee or agent of such party;

(B) does not have a material familial, financial, or professional relationship with such a party; and

(C) does not otherwise have a conflict of interest with such a party (as determined by the Secretary); and

(2) the provision of a notification of such selection to the individual and the provider or facility (as applicable) party to such determination.

An entity selected pursuant to the previous sentence to make a determination described in such sentence shall be referred to in this subsection as the “selected dispute resolution entity” with respect to such determination.

(c) Administrative fee

The Secretary shall establish a fee to participate in the patient-provider dispute resolution process in such a manner as to not create a barrier to an uninsured individual’s access to such process.

(d) Certification

The Secretary shall establish or recognize a process to certify entities under this subparagraph.1 Such process shall ensure that an entity so certified satisfies at least the criteria specified in section 300gg–111(c) of this title.

(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XXVII, §2799B–7, as added Pub. L. 116–260, div. BB, title I, §112, Dec. 27, 2020, 134 Stat. 2867.)

Section 300gg-138. Continuity of care

A health care provider or health care facility shall, in the case of an individual furnished items and services by such provider or facility for which coverage is provided under a group health plan or group or individual health insurance coverage pursuant to section 300gg–113 of this title, section 9818 of title 26, or section 1185g of title 29-

(1) accept payment from such plan or such issuer (as applicable) (and cost-sharing from such individual, if applicable, in accordance with subsection (a)(2)(C) of such section 300gg–113 of this title, 9818 of title 26, or 1185g of title 29) for such items and services as payment in full for such items and services; and

(2) continue to adhere to all policies, procedures, and quality standards imposed by such plan or issuer with respect to such individual and such items and services in the same manner as if such termination had not occurred.

(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XXVII, §2799B–8, as added Pub. L. 116–260, div. BB, title I, §113(d), Dec. 27, 2020, 134 Stat. 2873 .)

Section 300gg–139. Provider requirements to protect patients and improve the accuracy of provider directory information

(a) Provider business processes

Beginning not later than January 1, 2022, each health care provider and each health care facility shall have in place business processes to ensure the timely provision of provider directory information to a group health plan or a health insurance issuer offering group or individual health insurance coverage to support compliance by such plans or issuers with section 300gg–115(a)(1) of this titlesection 1185i(a)(1) of title 29, or section 9820(a)(1) of title 26, as applicable. Such providers shall submit provider directory information to a plan or issuers, at a minimum-

(1) when the provider or facility begins a network agreement with a plan or with an issuer with respect to certain coverage;

(2) when the provider or facility terminates a network agreement with a plan or with an issuer with respect to certain coverage;

(3) when there are material changes to the content of provider directory information of the provider or facility described in section 300gg–115(a)(1) of this titlesection 1185i(a)(1) of title 29, or section 9820(a)(1) of title 26, as applicable; and

(4) at any other time (including upon the request of such issuer or plan) determined appropriate by the provider, facility, or the Secretary.

(b) Refunds to enrollees

If a health care provider submits a bill to an enrollee based on cost-sharing for treatment or services provided by the health care provider that is in excess of the normal cost-sharing applied for such treatment or services provided in-network, as prohibited under section 300gg–115(b) of this titlesection 1185i(b) of title 29, or section 9820(b) of title 26, as applicable, and the enrollee pays such bill, the provider shall reimburse the enrollee for the full amount paid by the enrollee in excess of the in-network cost-sharing amount for the treatment or services involved, plus interest, at an interest rate determined by the Secretary.

(c) Limitation

Nothing in this section shall prohibit a provider from requiring in the terms of a contract, or contract termination, with a group health plan or health insurance issuer-

(1) that the plan or issuer remove, at the time of termination of such contract, the provider from a directory of the plan or issuer described in section 300gg–115(a) of this titlesection 1185i(a) of title 29, or section 9820(a) of title 26, as applicable; or

(2) that the plan or issuer bear financial responsibility, including under section 300gg–115(b) of this titlesection 1185i(b) of title 29, or section 9820(b) of title 26, as applicable, for providing inaccurate network status information to an enrollee.

(d) Definition

For purposes of this section, the term “provider directory information” includes the names, addresses, specialty, telephone numbers, and digital contact information of individual health care providers, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and digital contact information of each medical group, clinic, or facility contracted to participate in any of the networks of the group health plan or health insurance coverage involved.

(e) Rule of construction

Nothing in this section shall be construed to preempt any provision of State law relating to health care provider directories.

(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XXVII, §2799B–9, as added Pub. L. 116–260, div. BB, title I, §116(e), Dec. 27, 2020, 134 Stat. 2887 .)

See https://uscode.house.gov/browse/prelim@title42/chapter6A/subchapter25/partE&edition=prelim