Federal Law

Title 42-Chapter IV-Subchapter B-Part 422-Subpart E. Relationships with Providers

11/18/2024 42 CFR Section 422.212

Limitations on provider indemnification

Liability-insurer shifting to physician-Med. Adv.

An MA organization may not contract or otherwise provide, directly or indirectly, for any of the following individuals, organizations, or entities to indemnify the organization against any civil liability for damage caused to an enrollee as a result of the MA organization’s denial of medically necessary care:

(a) A physician or health care professional.

(b) Provider of services.

(c) Other entity providing health care services.

(d) Group of such professionals, providers, or entities.

SeeĀ https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?SID=a1c5e7bdd69183765b66f39e2833578d&mc=true&node=pt42.3.422&rgn=div5