State Laws

Search state statutes and regulations in all 50 states and the District of Columbia to find out what rights you have in your state and what other states are doing to empower physicians and patients in the face of health insurer market power.

State Law

New Mexico Admin. Code-Title 13-Chapter 10-Part 31. Prior Authorization

10/04/2021 New Mexico Sections, through

Scope; Definitions; General Requirements; Prior Authorization Submission; Documentation and Transparency; Auto-Adjudication; Reserved; Penalties; Severability

Amendments, Retroactive Denial
State Law

Illinois Compiled Statutes-215 ILCS 200. Prior Authorization Reform Act.

08/03/2023 Illinois Sections 1 through 85

See the text for the various section titles.

Amendments, Medical Necessity-Definition, Retroactive Denial, U.R. Criteria
State Law

Oregon Admin. Rules-Insurance Regulation-Chapter 836-Division 53. Health Benefit Plans

08/20/2023 Oregon Section 836-053-1203

Prior Authorization Trade Practices for Health Insurance other than Health Benefit plans

Retroactive Denial
State Law

Dept. of Prof. & Fin. Regulation-Chapter 850-Health Plan Accountability

08/07/2023 Maine Sections 1-10

Purpose; Authority; Applicability and Scope; Affordable Care Act; Definitions; Quality Assurance Standards; Access to Services; Adverse Health Care Treatment Decisions; Grievance Register and Grievance Procedures; Reporting Requirements; Effective Date

Credentialing-Deadlines, Credentialing-Due Process-Denial of Contract, Network Adequacy, Retroactive Denial, State Medical Necessity Appeals-Deadlines, State Medical Necessity Decisions-Deadlines, U.R. Criteria
State Law

Minnesota Statutes-Chapter 62M. Utilization Review of Health Care

08/08/2023 Minnesota Section 62M.07

Prior authorization of services

Retroactive Denial
State Law

Rhode Island Code of Regs-Title 230-Chapter 20-Subchapter 30-Part 14. Benefit Determination and Utilization Review

08/22/2023 Rhode Island Part 14. Benefit Determination and Utilization Review

Benefit Determination and Utilization Review

Retroactive Denial, State Medical Necessity Appeals-Deadlines, State Medical Necessity Decisions-Deadlines, U.R. Criteria
State Law

Missouri Code of State Regs-Title 20-Division 100-Chapter 1. Improper or Unfair Claims Settlement Practices

08/09/2023 Missouri 20 CSR 100-1.050

Standards for Prompt, Fair, and Equitable Settlement of Claims

Retroactive Denial
State Law

Texas Admin. Code-Title 28-Part 1-Chapter 19-Subchapter R. Utilization Reviews for Health Care Provided Under A Health Benefit Plan or Health Insurance Policy

08/24/2023 Texas Section 19.1718

Preauthorization for Health Maintenance Organizations and Preferred Provider Benefit

Amendments, Retroactive Denial, State Medical Necessity Decisions-Deadlines
State Law

Utah Code-Title 31A-Chapter 22-Part 6. Accident and Health Insurance

08/25/2023 Utah Section 31A-22-650

Health care preauthorization requirements

ERISA-Med. Nec. Decisions-Deadlines, Retroactive Denial, State Medical Necessity Decisions-Deadlines
State Law

Maine Rev. Statutes-Title 24-A, Chapter 56-A, Subchapter 1. Health Plan Requirements

08/07/2023 Maine Section 4304

Utilization review

Medication Assisted Treatment-Prior Auth., Retroactive Denial, State Medical Necessity Decisions-Deadlines