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Definitions; Certificate requirement for general in-house utilization review, exemptions; Certification of need of immediate hospital care, prima facie evidence; Judicial review, other remedies; Other health insurance policies, certificate requirement, contract with private review agent, reimbursement under policy where medical necessity in dispute; Adverse determination to patient or health-care provider, discussion of reasons, denial of third party reimbursement or precertification, evaluation by trained specialist
Short title; Definitions; Disclosure and review of prior authorization requirements; Persons qualified to make adverse determinations; Consultation after issuing an adverse determination; Requirements applicable to persons reviewing appeals; Health insurer or contracted utilization review entities’ obligations regarding prior authorization for nonurgent health care services; Health insurer or contracted utilization review entities’ obligations with respect to prior authorizations for urgent health care services; No prior authorization for medications for opioid use disorder; Length of authorization generally; revocation of prior authorizations prohibited; length of authorization for chronic or long-term care conditions; Continuity of care for enrollees; Provider exemptions from prior authorization requirements; Prior authorization for rehabilitative or habilitative services.
Definitions; Clinical Decisions; Carrier’s Medical Necessity Guidelines; Time Limits for Resolution of Non-expedited Internal Grievances; Review of Internal Grievances; Expedited Internal Review of Adverse Determinations; Additional Requirements for Expedited Internal Review; Failure of Carrier to Meet Time Limits
Written Procedures for Appeal of Adverse Determinations
Expedited grievance procedure
Purpose; Authority; Applicability and Scope; Affordable Care Act; Definitions; Quality Assurance Standards; Access to Services; Adverse Health Care Treatment Decisions; Grievance Register and Grievance Procedures; Reporting Requirements; Effective Date