Search state statutes and regulations in all 50 states and the District of Columbia to find out what rights you have in your state and what other states are doing to empower physicians and patients in the face of health insurer market power.
Definitions; Permitted Disclosures by Providers; Coverage of Benefit or Service; Payment of Provider, Application; Provider Credentialing; Provider Directories; Preferred Provider Agreement Prohibitions; Insurer Payment to Insured for Service Rendered by Noncontracted Provider; Requirements; Fully Credentialed Provider Reimbursement; Requirements
Gag clauses and retaliation prohibited with respect to prescribing providers
Gag clauses and retaliation prohibited with respect to prescribing providers
Prescription drug utilization management exception and substitution process; Time frame for exception and substitution request determinations; Formulary changes
Whistleblowers protection
Prohibition; definitions
Gag clauses
 Prohibited Provider Contracts
Certification of network plans