Ama Policy

ERISA Preemption and State Prompt Pay Laws D-385.984

Preemption-ERISA, Prompt Payment Deadlines

(1) Our AMA continue to actively work with constituent societies to advocate for strong prompt payment laws, as well as full enforcement and implementation of those laws.

(2) Our AMA Advocacy Resource Center disseminate information to the Federation regarding the issue of Employee Retirement Income Security Act preemption and state prompt pay laws, including specific guidance for drafting legislation to best avoid preemption.

(3) Our AMA continue to seek legal avenues for advancing the case against ERISA preemption of state prompt pay laws.

(4) Our AMA monitor developments with regard to implementation of the U.S. Department of Labor claims processing regulation and provide information to the federation on any significant developments.


Policy Timeline

BOT Rep. 16, I-02 Reaffirmation A-10 Reaffirmed: CMS Rep. 6, A-12 Reaffirmation A-14 Reaffirmed in lieu of: Res. 235, A-17