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Ama Policy

Fair Physician Contracts H-285.946

Directories, Fee Schedules, Payment Edits, Termination
ARC Advocacy Resources

Model Network Adequacy Model Bill

A red-lined version of the NAIC’s model bill to assist medical societies in states where the NAIC model has been introduced or where the medical society would like to propose network adequacy legislation.

Amendments, Anti-gag clause, Anti-retaliation, Continuity of Care Post-Contract, Credentialing-Patient Demographics, Directories, Model Legislation, Network Adequacy, Prohibited financial incentives, Termination
ARC Advocacy Resources

Provider Directories Model Bill

Ensures that health insurer provider directors are accurate, timely updated, and contain information sufficient to enable patients to make informed decisions concerning physicians and health care providers.

Directories, Model Legislation
Ama Policy

Managed Care Contract Deadline H-285.924

Federal Law

Title 26-Internal Revenue Code-Subtitle K-Chapter 100-Suchapter B. Other requirements

11/25/2024 26 USC Section 9820

Protecting patients and improving the accuracy of provider directory information

Federal Law

Title 29-Labor-Chapter 18-Subchapter I-Part 7-Subpart B. Other requirements

11/25/2024 29 USC Section 1185i

Protecting patients and improving the accuracy of provider directory information

Federal Law

Title 42-The Public Health And Welfare-Chapter 6A-Subchapter XXV-Part E. Health Care Provider Requirements

11/25/2024 42 USC Sections 300gg–131, 300gg–132, 300gg–133, 300gg–134, 300gg–135, 300gg–136, 300gg–137, 300gg–138 and 300gg–139

Balance billing in cases of emergency services; Balance billing in cases of non-emergency services performed by nonparticipating providers at certain participating facilities; Provider requirements with respect to disclosure on patient protections against balance billing; Enforcement; Air ambulance services; Provision of information upon request and for scheduled appointments; Patient-provider dispute resolution; Continuity of care; Provider requirements to protect patients and improve the accuracy of provider directory information

Continuity of Care Post-Contract, Directories, OON-Payment Issues
Federal Law

Title 42-The Public Health And Welfare-Chapter 6A-Subchapter XXV-Part D. Additional Coverage Requirements

11/20/2024 42 USC Section 300gg-115

Protecting patients and improving the accuracy of provider directory information

State Law

Arizona Admin. Code-Title 20-Chapter 6-Article 19. Health Care Services Organizations Oversight

06/15/2020 Arizona Section R20-6-1912

Network Directories

State Law

Arizona Rev. Statutes-Title 20-Chapter 27-Article 1. General Provisions

07/28/2023 Arizona Section 20-3455

Reported discrepancies; corrective action
