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Federal Law

Title 45-Subtitle A-Subchapter B-Part 156-Subpart C. Qualified Health Plan Minimum Certification Standards

11/18/2024 45 CFR Section 156.230

Network adequacy standards

Continuity of Care Post-Contract-Fed. Exchange Reg., Directories-Fed. Exchange Reg., Network Adequacy-Fed. Exchange Reg.
State Law

General Statutes of Connecticut-Title 42-Chapter 743gg. Contracts Between Health Care Providers and Contracting Entities

07/29/2023 Connecticut Sections 42-490, 42-491, 42-492, 42-493, and 42-494

Definitions; Contracting entity and covered entity requirements. Remittance advices. Member identification cards; Exemptions;Workers’ compensation exempted; Penalty. Regulations.

Continuity of Care Post-Contract-Fed. Exchange Reg., Rental Networks