Search Results

Ama Policy

AMA Opposition to All Products Clauses H-285.989

Participation in Products, Plans, or Networks
Ama Policy

ERISA and Managed Care Oversight D-383.984

Participation in Products, Plans, or Networks, Preemption-ERISA
ARC Advocacy Resources

All Products Clause Model Bill

Bans the use of all products clauses and gives physicians termination rights with respect to such clauses, e.g., a health insurer cannot terminate a physician’s contract because the physician refuses to participate in a new product.

Model Legislation, Participation in Products, Plans, or Networks
Ama Policy

Elimination of Subsidies to Medicare Advantage Plans D-390.967

Participation in Products, Plans, or Networks
State Law

Alaska Statutes-Title 21-Chapter 07. Patient Protections Under Health Care Insurance Policies

07/27/2023 Alaska Section 21.07.010

Patient and health care provider protection

Anti-gag clause, Anti-retaliation, Fee Schedules, Liability-insurer shifting to physician, Most Favored Nation, Participation in Products, Plans, or Networks, Prohibited financial incentives, Termination
State Law

Arkansas Code-Title 23-Subtitle 3-Chapter 99-Subchapter 12. Healthcare Contracting Simplification Act

07/18/2023 Arkansas Sections 23-99-1202


Amendments, Most Favored Nation, Participation in Products, Plans, or Networks
State Law

Arkansas Code-Title 23-Subtitle 3-Chapter 99-Subchapter 12. Healthcare Contracting Simplification Act

07/28/2023 Arkansas Section 23-99-1203

All-products clause — Prohibition

Participation in Products, Plans, or Networks
State Law

Colorado Rev. Statutes-Title 10-Article 37. Contracts with Health Care Providers

07/31/2023 Colorado Section 25-37-102


Amendments, Participation in Products, Plans, or Networks
State Law

General Statutes of Connecticut-Title 38a-Chapter 700c. Health Insurance

07/29/2023 Connecticut Section 38a-479b

Material changes to fee schedules. Return of payment by provider. Appeals. Filing of claim by provider under other applicable insurance coverage. Certain clauses, covenants and agreements prohibited. Exception

Amendments, Claims Filing Deadlines, Fee Schedules, Most Favored Nation, Overpayments / Recoupments, Participation in Products, Plans, or Networks, Termination
State Law

General Statutes of Connecticut-Title 38a-Chapter 700c. Health Insurance

07/16/2023 Connecticut Section 38a-472f

Network adequacy. Health carrier duties and responsibilities. Access plan filing.

Anti-gag clause, Anti-retaliation, Continuity of Care Post-Contract, Credentialing-Patient Demographics, Network Adequacy, Participation in Products, Plans, or Networks, Profiling, Prohibited financial incentives, Termination