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Federal Law

Title 42-Chapter IV-Subchapter B-Part 422-Subpart E. Relationships with Providers

11/18/2024 42 CFR Section 422.206

Interference with health care professionals’ advice to enrollees prohibited

Anti-gag clause-Med. Adv.
Federal Law

Title 42-Chapter 7-Subchapter XVIII-Part C. Medicare+Choice Program

11/21/2024 42 USC Section 1395w-22

Benefits and beneficiary protections

Anti-gag clause-Med. Adv., Directories-Med. Adv., Liability-insurer shifting to physician-Med. Adv., Med. Adv.-Med. Nec. Appeals-Deadlines, Med. Adv.-Med. Nec. Decisions-Deadlines, Network Adequacy-Med. Adv., Prohibited financial incentives-Med. Adv., Risk-Physicians Taking-Med. Adv.
State Law

The Laws Of New York-Consolidated Laws-Public Health-Article 44. Health Maintenance Organizations

08/16/2023 New York Section 4406-D

Health care professional applications and terminations

Anti-gag clause-Med. Adv., Anti-retaliation, Credentialing-Deadlines, Credentialing-Payment Issues, Profiling, Termination, Termination-Due Process