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Ama Policy

Amendments to Managed Care Contracts H-285.952

Amendments, Continuity of Care Post-Contract
Ama Policy

Requiring Third Party Reimbursement Methodology be Published for Physicians H-185.975

Amendments, Fee Schedules, Payment Edits, Payment Rules, Rental Networks
Ama Policy

Third Party Payer Coverage Process Reform and Advocacy D-185.986

Amendments, U.R. Criteria
Ama Policy

Prior Authorization Relief in Medicare Advantage Plans H-320.938

Amendments, Retroactive Denial
Ama Policy

Medicare Advantage Plans D-330.923

Amendments, Fee Schedules
ARC Advocacy Resources

Model Network Adequacy Model Bill

A red-lined version of the NAIC’s model bill to assist medical societies in states where the NAIC model has been introduced or where the medical society would like to propose network adequacy legislation.

Amendments, Anti-gag clause, Anti-retaliation, Continuity of Care Post-Contract, Credentialing-Patient Demographics, Directories, Model Legislation, Network Adequacy, Prohibited financial incentives, Termination
ARC Advocacy Resources

Protected: Limiting Insurer Unilateral Amendments Model Bill

Requires health insurers to give physicians key payment data and prohibits a health insurer from making a material change to a contract more than once a year.

Amendments, Model Legislation
State Law

Arkansas Code-Title 23-Subtitle 3-Chapter 99-Subchapter 12. Healthcare Contracting Simplification Act

07/18/2023 Arkansas Sections 23-99-1202


Amendments, Most Favored Nation, Participation in Products, Plans, or Networks
State Law

Arkansas Code-Title 23-Subtitle 3-Chapter 99-Subchapter 12. Healthcare Contracting Simplification Act

07/28/2023 Arkansas Section 23-99-1205

Contracting process

State Law

California Code of Regulations-Title 28-Division 1-Chapter 2-Article 8. Self-Policing Procedures

08/29/2023 California Section 1300.71

Claims Settlement Practices

Amendments, Claims Filing Deadlines, Fee Schedules, Overpayments / Recoupments, Payment Edits, Payment Rules, Prompt Payment Deadlines